Lyn T. Arcari
Attorney at Law
Mediator & Collaborative Attorney
Do I need a Will?
YES! A Will tells the court how you want your estate administered and to whom items should be given. Your Will will also name your Personal Representative which is the person who ensures your wishes are being followed.
Do I need a Trust?
You might. Do you have minor children, do you have a child with special needs? Do you have a house that you wish to protect? Do you want to plan for your senior years? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then schedule a consultation.
What else do I need?
Do you have a heatlh care proxy? This document is used to name a person as your agent to make health care decisions should you be unable to and can provide guidance to your doctor on your end of life wishes.
Do you have a durable power of attorney? This document names someone as your agent to aid you with the handling of your financial issues should you become incapacitated.