Lyn T. Arcari
Attorney at Law
Mediator & Collaborative Attorney
Business & Contract Law
It's generally accepted advice that if you are going to be a business owner, you will need a lawyer.
Whether you have a general business question such as should I set my business up as an LLC or a corporation, to a more complicated issue such as should I buy this franchise or pizza shop, I can help.
A business attorney looks after the interests you may not even know you have regarding:
commercial leasing
employee / employer relations
risk management
state laws, licenses, and compliance with local zoning rules
marketing and advertising trademarks, logos and copyrights
business incorporation
before the fact protections against lawsuits
To smooth your process of becoming a business owner, or to help you out with a complex legal issue, you need a lawyer with experience. You will want an attorney with plenty of leasing and commercial real estate expertise.
I have been on both the buying and selling end of:
convenience stores
pizza & sub shops
restaurants with and without liquor licenses
small retail businesses
family owned businesses
The time to get a business attorney is before you need one
Call today and let's review what you're getting into
Lyn T. Arcari